Music at Second

Mission Statement:

The Music Ministry of Second Presbyterian Church is dedicated to providing the highest quality music for worship, spiritual development and mission that calls out the utmost art and deepest Christian commitment from our children, youth and adults.

Our music ministries include choral and instrumental opportunities for those aged 3 through adults, all of which are led by dedicated professional and experienced lay members. Many of our ensembles also participate in our Concert Series / Music @ Second (click HERE for information about Series). Find your place to express your gifts in our many choirs and ensembles!

Adult Ensembles (for Children and Youth Opportunities, click HERE)

Sanctuary Choir

For adults of all ages. Meets Wednesdays, 7:00 - 8:30pm.
Leads music at 11:00am service each week, and occasional other services.
Jim Rittenhouse, conductor; Samuel Libra, organist/accompanist

The Sanctuary Choir is the heart of the music ministry at Second Church. This choir leads the 10:00 a.m. worship service every Sunday, and the 8:30 a.m. service for major liturgical holidays. Hymns and anthems are always presented, and special works accompanied by brass or orchestra are presented on many Sundays.

The Octet is the core for the Sanctuary Choir at the 10:00 a.m. service. On many Sundays, they are featured alone in elegant ensemble. The members of the Octet are some of Louisville’s finest professional singers, appearing in recitals and musicals and serving as soloists in major works throughout the area. The Octet rehearses with the Sanctuary Choir on Wednesday nights.

The Octet

Austin Memorial Handbell Choir

Austin Memorial Handbell Choir

For experienced ringers. Meets Tuesdays, 7:00 - 8:00pm.
Participates in worship occasionally throughout the year.
Jim Rittenhouse, director.

The Austin Memorial Handbell Choir meets regularly to prepare music for worship and special seasonal programs. The handbell choir occasionally participates in regional festivals of the Handbell Musicians of America, and local workshops.

Golden Bells

For those who wish to ring “for fun” and enjoy making music together. Meets Tuesdays, 12:45 - 2:00pm.
Bonnie Boram, director.

The Golden Bells are an open group for those who love making music, enjoy fellowship, and want to develop the wonderful skill of ringing handbells. The group meets weekly, and there is no expectation of playing in worship.

Second Act

A community ensemble open to adults from Second Pres and area churches. Meets Wednesdays, 10:00 - 11:30am.
Sings in area senior living facilities and churches throughout the year.
Kay McFarland, director.

Second Act is an enthusiastic light musical group bringing the glory and joy of God’s love to hundreds of residents in the region’s assisted-living facilities. They present programs of entertaining music, motion and song, emphasizing music familiar to their audiences. They rehearse Wednesday mornings, 10 – 11:30am in the Fall, and present their programs throughout the year.

For more information about the Ministry of Music at Second, please contact:
Jim Rittenhouse, Director of Worship and Music Ministries
502-895-2483 ext 212