Pastoral Care
What do deacons do?
The ministry of deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of compassion, witness, and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ... (Book or Order, G-20201) Each Deacon is assigned a “care” list of around 30 families for which they are responsible. They make regular contact with all the members on their list at least twice a year and are available to offer support and care, through providing meals, prayer, or a listening ear.
If you or a loved one need such support, contact the church at 502-895-3483 or email
The Diaconate of Second Presbyterian Church
Members are elected for three year terms
Class of 2022

Class of 2023

Class of 2024

Care Ministries
Grief ministry can be anything from grief support groups, to one-on-one comfort, to helping the grieving process their feelings.
The beautiful flowers that brighten our church services are taken to those unable to come to worship by deacons. These flowers bring a visual reminder of the love the church feels for these members.
When members are suffering through grief, health issues, and mo>re, members of the church provide food to them, helping to ease the burden. Deacons lead this drive to provide sustenance.
Home Communion
Members of the church who are unable to attend communion because of age, health or other limitations, are provided opportunities to receive communion.
Some of our deacons who work well with youth, make it a priority to minister to young people beginning their adult journey by entering college. These youth are exposed to new ideas and feelings of isolation. Our deacons help support these young adults in their journey in Christ.
At a time when grief makes planning and preparing difficult, the Funeral Guild works to make the process of funeral and visitation comforting.
Members of our congregation who ask for additional spiritual support are placed on a prayer list, and are prayed for by deacons and other pastoral staff and church members.
Prayer Shawls
Our Busy Needles Spot Group create beautiful shawls to provide another layer of comfort to those in pain or mourning. Our deacons and other pastoral staff give these gifts to the member in pain.
Grief Support
Traditionally, when we think of grief, we think of the feelings of loss, anger, and denial we have when someone close to us has died. But grief can come from many other losses – retirement, physical limitations due to aging or medical conditions, divorce, caring for a loved one who is ill, and many others.
We have launched two separate grief groups, one for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one and a separate group for people experiencing grief from life’s other losses..
The group focusing on those who have died will meet twice a month for six to eight months. The other will meet monthly. At least in the beginning, we will meet via Zoom.
We will talk about the stages of grief and many of the feelings and thoughts people have as they work through grief. There is no “right” way to grieve. Everyone grieves in their own way, but it can be helpful to share with others who are traveling the same road..
If you are interested in joining either group, contact the Church at 502-894-3483 or to have Pastoral Associate Elizabeth Clay reach out to you.