Second Presbyterian Church’s Concert Series offers the finest in sacred and culturally relevant musical experiences in a variety of styles that touch the heart, stir the soul, and inspire audiences to connect their love of the arts to their relationship with God.
2024/2025 Concert Series & Music @ Second
BACH+ - The First Annual Epiphanytide Concert - January 26 at 3 p.m. - Come hear an original instrument ensemble - Alison Cullin-Ellison, concermaster - a double-octet of singers from Second and throughout the region, and harpsichordist/organist Lisa Lewis in a program of early Baroque and Baroque masterpieces. The full ensemble presents Handel's O praise the Lord with one consent 'Chandos Anthem No 9' ... based on the St. Anne tune "Our God, Our Help in Ages Past". Bach's Fugue based on the same tune will be played. The double-octet will perform Bach's Motet Fürchte dich nicht, BWV 228. The ensemble performs music of Charpentier with soloist Emily Yocum Black and De profundis clamavi of Nicolas Bruhns performed by baritone Jason Steigerwalt. Free Admission because of the generous donors to our Concert Series. A freewill offering will be collected to benefit our mission partner Bellewood and Brooklawn.