
Montreat 2019
2PY - Welcome Home

Mission Statement:

Second Presbyterian Church Youth Ministry exists to create an environment of love and acceptance where youth (Grades 6–12) learn, worship, fellowship, and serve together, and a spiritual foundation is developed that will inspire them to lead a life-long commitment with Christ.

Core Values:

  • Christ-centered
    • We create opportunities to know Christ and follow His example of love, humility, acceptance and compassion.
  • Joyful
    • We create a fun, engaging community where youth experience joy through Christ-centered relationships and service to others.
  • Faithful
    • We create consistent, reliable, stable programming that honors our tradition and develops lasting relationships.


Weekly Newsletter

Each week we’ll send out an email via Constant Contact with announcements, registration information, news, and more. Check your inbox each Thursday.

Annual Forms

All 2PY participants need to complete a covenant and medical release form only once during the year.

2PY Spring Calendar


Below is a list and description of youth programming throughout a typical year, please contact the church office at for more information about any of these programs.

Sunday Mornings

Breakfast and Bibles

From September – April breakfast for youth and their families will be available each Sunday beginning at 9:45am in the Youth Suite. At 10:15am the youth will head to their classroom.

HS Girls’ Bible Study

Throughout the school year, HS Girls gather to read the Bible and learn what it means to follow Jesus together.

Open Gym

Every Tuesday from November–March the gym is open to all youth.

You are invited to come to the Great Hall to hang out, shoot hoops, and play some games. There will also be a time of prayer and devotion. It’s a great way to get some exercise while drawing closer God all and the youth of 2PY. Keep an eye on the calendar for the ultimate Reunion Open Gym, and any holiday cancellations.


Our Confirmation program takes place every other year is an opportunity for 7th and 8th grade youth to confirm the baptismal vows of the Church. Please contact the church office for more information.

Trips and Retreats

Winter Retreat, January 2026

High School Montreat Youth Conference, June 8–14, 2025
Registration is open until March 16

Registration and Payment

NOTE — To register and pay deposits and fees for all trips, please visit the Giving page.

Confirmation 2020 Confirmation Class