VBS 2024 Registration

Welcome to online registration for VBS! We appreciate you choosing VBS at 2nd Presbyterian Church as an activity for your child this summer. It is our prayer that they may grow mentally, physical and spiritually through this experience.

VBS is open to children age 3 (must be potty trained) to completed 3rd graders and runs from 9am – 12pm and the cost is $25 per child.

Cost per Camper:

July 8-12, 2024 9:00am-12:00pm – $25

Family Information
Parent or Guardian #1
Parent or Guardian #2
Emergency Contact (other than parent)
Participant Information
Participant #1
Statement of Release

My child has permission to participate in all camp activities and to use play equipment under supervision except for limitations noted. I agree that VBS, Second Presbyterian Church, and staff will not be held responsible for accidents or injuries arising from participants in the program. I grant permission for the camp personnel to provide routine health care and to seek emergency medical care if warranted. I grant permission for my child to be included in documentation of activities or programs through the use of videos, photos, or printed materials, which may include class photos, area newspaper articles, Second Presbyterian Church and Week Day School Websites, social media, or filmed segments to be aired on local TV stations. In consideration of my child's opportunity to participate in the camp program, I agree to release and hold harmless, Second Presbyterian Church, its agents, representatives, and employees from all claims, damages, or liabilities concerning my child which are not the result of gross or intentional negligence or willful or wanton conduct by the camp, it's agents, representatives or employees.


All summer events at Second Presbyterian will operate according to the current guidelines set forth by our Session, the Mid-Kentucky Presbytery’s recommendations, and current CDC and state during the weeks the camp is in session.

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